reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Trap (2024) Zoe Atkins & Katie Valenta / 9:00 / 09.08.24 M. Night Shyamalan has got big plans for his daughter in this unworthy thriller with a good Josh Hartnett performance.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | The Watchers (2024) Derek Armstrong / 10:55 / 07.06.24 M. Night Shyamalan's daughter has made a film very much in her father's oeuvre, and very similar in quality to his lesser mind-benders.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Knock at the Cabin (2023) Derek Armstrong / 9:17 / 07.02.23 M. Night Shyamalan's 15th feature finds itself in familiar high concept territory, for better and for worse.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Old (2021) Derek Armstrong / 11:05 / 30.07.21 News flash! M. Night Shyamalan would like to blow your mind, but don't call it a twist!
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Glass (2018) John Roebuck / 12:06 / 19.01.19 Glass is absolutely not Shyamalan's worst film, though it is another telling indication that he may never come close again to his best.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Split (2016) John Roebuck / 13:43 / 17.01.17 Split ought to have spent more time with each of Kevin's personalities rather than exploiting them for the use of a lesser more generic film,
reviews All Reviews Review: The Visit (2015) Sascha Kenny / 9:00 / 21.09.15 Visitation wrongs Night Shyamalan’s new film The Visit might be his scariest yet By scary, I mean that the film
reviews All Reviews Review: After Earth John Roebuck / 21:37 / 14.06.13 Apocalypse Now is one of the most self-indulgent vanity projects in the history of overinflated egos It was