reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Goodrich (2024) Derek Armstrong / 9:05 / 21.11.24 Michael Keaton shines as a father of young children and an impending grandfather trying to cope with the changes life throws his way.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) Derek Armstrong / 9:59 / 06.09.24 Michael Keaton's mischievous demon is back with a long-delayed sequel that should provide enough for most fans.
Editor's Choice reviews Top Picks REVIEW | The Flash (2023) Derek Armstrong / 10:45 / 23.06.23 DC's final film in its extended universe sends the wannabe Marvel off on the right foot.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | American Assassin (2017) Hernando Cathedral / 22:02 / 13.09.17 Michael Cuesta's American Assassin is riddled with clichés but luckily, for the most part, Cuesta knows just how to handle them.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) John Roebuck / 11:57 / 04.07.17 Tom Holland is wonderful as Peter Parker in Jon Watt's Spider-Man: Homecoming, which is an otherwise competent but forgettable film.
videos Trailers TRAILER | Spider-Man: Homecoming – Trailer 3 Hernando Cathedral / 12:10 / 25.05.17 Spider-Man takes on Vulture and growing up in the brand new trailer for Jon Watt's Spider-Man: Homecoming, staring Tom Holland.
videos Trailers TRAILER | Spider-Man: Homecoming You’re The Spider-Man Trailer Hernando Cathedral / 13:26 / 08.05.17 Jon Watts' Spider-Man: Homecoming is getting closer and closer and if you weren't excited before this new trailer might sort you out.
videos Trailers TRAILER | Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer #2 Hernando Cathedral / 22:16 / 29.03.17 Jon Watts' Spider-Man: Homecoming is almost upon us and we have a brand new trailer on the internetweb to prove it to you!
videos Trailers TRAILER | Spider-Man: Homecoming – Official Trailer Hernando Cathedral / 15:33 / 09.12.16 Jon Watts' Spider-Man Homecoming marks the first film in an unsteady union between Marvel and Sony, and the new trailer has just hit.