
movie editorEditing has been referred to as the ‘invisible art’ for years and years and years. Unfortunately, the whole invisible thing means that editing is an aspect of filmmaking that sometimes goes unnoticed, and is very often neglected.

Editing is amazing. Editing makes films films. Just ask Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein.

This wonderful video essay, from Every Frame A Painting, is one of the most informative and easily digestible insights into the art of editing that we have ever come across. It even features some of the biggest heavyweights in the editing scene, including Thelma Schoonmaker and Walter Murch.

If you already have an appreciation for the editing process then this is a nice refresher. If you have no idea what an editor even really does then this video is a must-see. Actors often get all the fame for a movie. Then maybe the directors. Filmmaking is a collaborative as hell process. There were more people who worked on The Wolf Of Wall Street than Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese. Suck up the learning and find in yourself a new appreciation of what a film editor does.

Check out the video below – 

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