reviews All Reviews REVIEW | A Cure For Wellness (2017) Derek Armstrong / 17:46 / 17.03.17 Two hours and 26 minutes is a really long time to be watching a movie like A Cure for Wellness, which needs a more discerning edit.
videos Trailers TRAILER | A Cure For Wellness Hernando Cathedral / 16:06 / 22.12.16 It's been a long while since we last heard from Gore Verbinksi, but A Cure For Wellness is shaping up to be a must watch of 2017.
videos Trailers TRAILER | A Cure for Wellness | Official Trailer [HD] Hernando Cathedral / 21:55 / 20.10.16 Wellity wellity wellity It feels like an awfully long time since Gore Verbinski was out an about, even though his