reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Bad Santa 2 (2016) Derek Armstrong / 17:40 / 15.12.16 In a year littered with pointless sequels that no one wanted, Mark Waters' Bad Santa 2 is a contender for the most pointless one of all.
videos Trailers TRAILER | Fist Fight Official Trailer #2 Hernando Cathedral / 20:05 / 07.12.16 The new trailer for the Ice Cube and Charlie Day vehicle, Fist Fight, shows more promise than most of the recent string of tired American comedies.
videos Trailers Trailers: Dark Places Brendan Murray / 22:40 / 10.03.15 No Aussie release yet In 2014 David Fincher brought Gillian Flynn’s novel Gone Girl to cinemas and left couples
videos Trailers Trailers: Lost River John Roebuck / 11:25 / 04.02.15 Lynch, Refn and Hopper, oh my! This trailer for Ryan Gosling's directorial debut, Lost River, looks really quite
reviews All Reviews Review: Ginger and Rosa (2012) John Roebuck / 5:13 / 24.08.13 Set in London in the early 1960s, Ginger & Rosa depicts the breakdown of a close friendship between the two main