reviews All Reviews REVIEW | The Children Act (2018) Derek Armstrong / 18:15 / 02.12.18 Bold choices don’t always pay off, though, and there’s a bit of a sense of that as Richard Eyre's The Children Act winds down.
videos Great Moving Image MOVING IMAGE | What Dunkirk Teaches Us About War Hernando Cathedral / 12:55 / 31.07.18 The video goes into some interesting areas in regards to how Christopher Nolan, the director of Dunkirk, flipped out expectations of war films.
podcasts The ReelGood Podcast THE REELGOOD PODCAST | Dunkirk Hernando Cathedral / 16:06 / 24.07.17 Few films have thrown the guys at the The ReelGood Podcast into more turmoil than Christopher Nolan's brand new war epic, Dunkirk.
reviews Top Picks REVIEW | Dunkirk (2017) John Roebuck / 13:51 / 19.07.17 Many of the decisions in Dunkirk are counterintuitive in regards to our expectations of what war films do, that have been accumulated over decades.