reviews All Reviews Review: Bridge Of Spies John Roebuck / 19:32 / 26.10.15 Why spy Whether a film ought to be judged solely on the merits it presents without extraneous considerations is a
videos Trailers Trailers: Bridge Of Spies John Roebuck / 9:00 / 22.09.15 With my little eye The promotional material for Steven Spielberg's Bridge Of Spies really just isn't doing it for
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reviews All Reviews Review: Jurassic World (2015) John Roebuck / 21:43 / 11.06.15 Run Can a film be judged within the context of the series to which it belongs, or should it be solely judged on its
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videos Great Moving Image Awesome Film Videos: Deconstruction of Spielberg’s Jaws John Roebuck / 9:03 / 29.04.15 Ol' chompers Steven Spielberg has become so synonymous with good/ok-ish filmmaking that it's easy to forget that he
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