The light side.
Us folk over here at the ReelGood offices feel as though, on the whole, we do a pretty reasonable job at providing our readers with top quality, relevant and classy material. But there are those times when we simply feel compelled to post a video of footage of the final moments of J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens, doctored so that it looks like Luke Skywalker is singing the Celine Dion hit, “All By Myself.” This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of those fortuitous times.
What else is there to say? Well, let’s thank YouTube user, DavidUngerMusic, for creating and uploading the video. We should probably also thank YouTube for allowing the video to reach across the entire globe. Whoever invented the Internet should probably get a look in as well.
This video won’t help your life (98% sure of that, there are always pretty odd things going on out there in the world) but it is something that we think ought to be seen by as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Whatever you thought of The Force Awakens, it’s difficult to deny that this is how it actually should have ended. Take it away, Luke.
Check out the video below –