How’s this for a filmography – The Social Network, Zodiac, Fight Club, Se7en, Gone Girl. Heck, even Panic Room ,The Game and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo are pretty ace. Alien3 is way better than it’s reputation suggests and even fucking Benjamin Button is pretty watchable even in it’s meh-ness. Fincher. Get around him. Fincher.
Skulking around the world of film, we often hear about how meticulous Fincher is, but it’s rare that we actually get comprehensive, tangible insight into exactly how his meticulous nature has an impact on his work. This video, focusing on Fincher’s camerawork in relation to the movement of his characters, is that sort of insight.
It’s been three long years since Fincher released a feature film (Gone Girl, back in 2014, for those playing at home) but if you’re hankerin’ for some Fincherin’, get yo’self a Netflix account and check out his new show, Mindhunter. Fincher directed the first two and the last two episodes and, for our money, it’s one of the best television show’s we’ve seen in a long while, probably ever.