reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) John Roebuck / 23:36 / 21.03.18 Pacific Rim Uprising lacks the strengths that Del Toro brought to the original but it also lacks his weaknesses, and is a far more enjoyable film for it.
videos Trailers TRAILER | Pacific Rim 2: Uprising Official Trailer #1 Hernando Cathedral / 9:09 / 09.10.17 Steven S. DeKnight's upcoming Pacific Rim: 2 looks over the top and cartoonish, and that's pretty much fine by all of us.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | The Great Wall (2016) John Roebuck / 21:13 / 15.02.17 Zhang Yimou's strange albeit very fun film, The Great Wall ,really came out of nowhere, and we're exceptionally glad that it did.