videos Great Moving Image AWESOME FILM VIDEOS | The Hateful Eight References John Roebuck / 10:38 / 30.03.16 Past reference Love him or hate him or think he's overrated or have no opinion on him whatsoever, it's difficult to
reviews All Reviews Review: 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) Derek Armstrong / 9:05 / 24.02.16 Little Bay of sunshine There’s a shot near the end of 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi that is basically
reviews All Reviews Review: Pride And Prejudice And Zombies (2016) John Roebuck / 8:39 / 24.02.16 Unsensibility Jane Austen would be rolling in her grave Unless, of course, she's risen from eternal slumber and is
reviews All Reviews Review: Deadpool (2016) John Roebuck / 14:27 / 12.02.16 Steady Deady Deadpool is a comedy It lampoons superhero films and breaks the fourth wall to reference the current
reviews All Reviews Review: The Hateful Eight (2015) John Roebuck / 16:45 / 11.01.16 Not Gr8 The validity of Quentin Tarantino's tics as a filmmaker have long been debated, perhaps to the point of
reviews All Reviews Review: Point Break (2015) John Roebuck / 12:15 / 31.12.15 Second Break Point "Ideas can be a powerful thing" "Not as powerful as a whaling ship" There's little to recommend
videos Trailers Trailers: Deadpool John Roebuck / 11:59 / 27.12.15 Ryan Reynolds The problem with Deadpool is that it stars Ryan Reynolds and it's going to take a trailer a lot
articles Opinions Opinions: I Miss George Lucas? John Roebuck / 9:16 / 22.12.15 Lucas arts - MILD SPOILERS Over the last few months (perhaps the last few years) a huge percentage of my brain
reviews All Reviews Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) John Roebuck / 12:25 / 17.12.15 Jedi scum Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a lesser film than all of the episodes in the original Star Wars trilogy