reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Coffee & Kareem (2020) Derek Armstrong / 11:23 / 04.04.20 Looking for a man-boy buddy comedy with lots of paedophile jokes? Coffee & Kareem is the brew for you.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | What Men Want (2019) Derek Armstrong / 17:16 / 21.02.19 Safe is probably not what we’d want from a movie like What Men Want, but it’s probably the only thing it was ever likely to be.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Ralph Breaks The Internet (2018) John Roebuck / 8:59 / 05.12.18 Ralph Breaks the Internet follows a similar course to its predecessor, Wreck It Ralph, on a broader scale, and isn't quite as successful.
reviews All Reviews REVIEW | Hidden Figures (2016) Derek Armstrong / 21:19 / 15.01.17 There’s certainly a possibility we’ll see Hidden Figures recognised when the best picture nominees are announced next week.