Editor's Choice articles Opinions OPINION | Film Series Strangleholds Derek Armstrong / 22:02 / 22.06.17 Michael Bay has made five terrible Transformers movies and is now stepping down. Is there a pattern to a successful film series?
articles Interviews 10 QUESTIONS | Ian Hamilton Hernando Cathedral / 13:41 / 05.06.17 We had the chance to have a chat with documentarian, Ian Hamilton, director of Angels Gather Here, playing at this year's MDFF.
articles Interviews 10 QUESTIONS | Lewis Mitchell Hernando Cathedral / 12:03 / 30.05.17 We chat with Lewis Mitchell, Co-Producer of Max Gimblett: Original Mind, which is playing at this year's Melbourne Documentary Film Festival.
articles Opinions OPINION | Ridley Scott Basks in his Own Glow Derek Armstrong / 20:33 / 06.04.17 We're being inundated with films that stemmed from his creative mind. 2017 is the year of the Ridley Scott, and he probably knows it.